Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: LEGO® based
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 25 x 25 x 25 cm
Characteristics: Build and program a robot that solves challenges on a field.
WRO® RoboMission is a challenge-based competition. Students must design, construct and program an autonomous robot that can solve specific challenges on a field. Because the field is set up randomly each round, the robot needs to be able to make its own decisions during the run.
All parts of the robot, including controller, motors and sensors must be from LEGO® (MINDSTORMS® NXT or EV3, SPIKE PRIME or Robot Inventor).
For all specific rules and regulations refer to the General Rules for this category.